
Can my baby eat Sugar

From +1 year

Is sugar healthy for children?

Before your baby is one year old, you really shouldn't give any added sugar. Early sugar consumption has been related to dental caries and obesity and it will get your baby accustomed to the sweet taste, which makes it more difficult to introduce flavors that aren't as sweet. After they turn 1, you can add some sugar to the diet now and then, for example in baked goods. However, sugar is not a nutritious food and doesn't have the benefits that many other foods do have. You can always use sweet foods to sweeten desserts, such as bananas or sweet potatoes. Other sweeteners, such as agave or honey are also not recommended. Read more about those sweeteners here.

How to serve sugar

You can use sugar in both warm and cold food and drinks. Add some sugar to a homemade ice tea or use it in baked goods. You can even use some sugar to sweeten certain savoury dishes.

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