
Can my baby eat Mayonnaise

From +1 year

Common allergen:


When can babies have mayonnaise?

Freshly home made mayonnaise is made from raw eggs and therefore not suitable for children below 5. However, store-bought mayonnaise has been pasteurised and is technically safe to eat from the age of 6 months.

Is mayonnaise healthy for babies?

We don't recommend serving mayonnaise at six months though. Store-bought mayonnaise is just not the food your baby needs to grow and develop in this crucial stage of life. It also neutralises the flavours of the foods that it's served with, which is the opposite of what flavour learning stands for. After your child has turned one, you could add small amounts of mayo to certain dishes if you like to. By that time babies will probably have become used to a variety of flavours.

Is mayonnaise a common allergen?

Yes, if you do want to serve mayonnaise, know that the eggs it is made of are a common allergen. If you know your child is not allergic to eggs there is no issue. If you don't know yet, start with small amounts and work your way up.

How to serve mayonnaise to babies?

Always serve small quantities of mayonnaise and don't serve it with every meal. Put it on the side so the food is not covered in mayonnaise.

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