
Can my baby eat Courgette

From +4 months

Is courgette healthy for children?

Courgette is a vegetable that's great to start solids with. It's relatively neutral in taste and it's a good source of vitamins (mainly A and C) and minerals such as potassium, manganese and magnesium. On top of that, it's rich in antioxidants that help protect your little one's body.

How to serve courgette

You don't have to remove the skin of a courgette. Just wash thoroughly and cook until soft. You can then use it in many types of dishes. You can start by serving it as a puree. Courgette works great in pasta dishes as well. You can even make courgette pasta if you like. You can stuff them or slice them and put them on the grill. Lots of options when it comes to courgette.

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