
Can my baby eat Black pepper

From +6 months

Is black pepper healthy for children?

Using spices is a great way to introduce more flavor into your baby's food. Contrary to what many believe, babies can start eating spicy foods as of 6 months old. However, we do want babies to get to know and appreciate pure vegetable flavors as well, before adding flavor makers like spices. Pepper is used throughout the world as a staple. If you want your child to be eating along with you, and you like pepper in your food, you can definitely start adding a bit of pepper to their food as well. Start with a mild black pepper in very small quantities and work your way up. If you want to use the very spicy szechuan pepper, wait until your baby is one year old. Read more about introducing chili here.

How to serve black pepper

Add a small quantity of pepper to your food and stir it well.

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