
Can my baby eat Shellfish

From +1 year

Common allergen:


Is shellfish healthy for children?

Shellfish (lobster, crayfish, crab, shrimp, oyster, clams, mussels and scallops) when served in moderation, is a healthy addition to your baby's diet. However, it is worth mentioning that replacing seafood for plant based products on occasion is not only good for your baby's health, but also for the environment. Another important note is that shellfish are a common source of food poisoning, so make sure to buy good quality, fresh products and to cook them all the way through. That being said, shellfish is usually a good source of protein and omega-3. It's also rich in vitamin B12 and in minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron. Many of the shellfish mentioned above are quite high in sodium, and some (like the lobster) also in mercury, which is why moderation is advised. Shellfish is a common allergen, so start with a small portion and build your way up.

How to serve shellfish

Always make sure shellfish are cooked all the way through. Don't serve raw shellfish at least before the age of 5 years. Preparation methods differ depending on which type of shellfish you want to cook, but generally you can steam or boil them. You can also prepare them in the oven or in some cases, like scallops, it's best to pan-fry in a bit of olive oil.

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