
Can my baby eat Seaweed

From +6 months

Is seaweed healthy for children?

Seaweed has some benefits that makes them deserve a place in your and your baby's diet. One of them being that it's a very sustainable food. Besides that, it's very high in protein and in vitamin C. However, seaweed also contains high amounts of iodine. This means you should be careful in choosing the right kind of seaweed (since there are many varieties) and also serve it in moderation (meaning not more than once or twice a week). Seaweed with the lowest amount of iodine is nori, making this the best option for young children. Wakame can also be introduced in moderation. Kelp and kombu have a very high iodine content and should be avoided during the first years.

How to serve seaweed

You can serve seaweed dried or fresh. Dried seaweed can be offered as a finger food, first crushed and later as sheets. You can also pulverize it or sprinkle it on top of meals. Fresh seaweed can be offered as finger food as well, taking into account the appropriate finger food sizes for your baby's age.

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