Krokante kikkererwten spinazie kip

Krokante kikkererwten, spinazie & kip

+1 jaar

A yummy lunch, both for kids and adult. The chicken is completely optional.

Ingrediënten voor 1 portie

  • 30 g kikkererwten

  • 50 g spinazie

  • 30 g kip borst

  • 1 tbsp olijfolie

  • 0.5 citroen, juiced

  • 1 snuifje zwarte peper


  1. Heat up the olive oil in a pan. Bring to medium heat and add the chickpeas. Stir frequently and let the chickpeas become golden and crispy.

  2. Move the chickpeas to the side of the pan and place the chicken in the middle. Cook for 5 minutes on each side.

  3. With a fork, crush the chickpeas lightly while still on the fire.

  4. When the chicken is cooked through, remove it from the pan and shred it with two forks.

  5. Meanwhile, add the spinach to the chickpeas and let it wilt. Throw in the shredded chicken and finish with a splash of lemon juice and a twist of the black pepper mill.

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